Paul do Boquilobo Biosphere Reserve
Ten natural habitats listed in the Habitats Directive are listed, five of which are freshwater (2 still waters and 3 flowing waters), one is herbaceous formations, and three are forests (two of which are associated with riparian vegetation). One of the still water habitats is considered a priority and is marked with an asterisk.
These habitats are as follows:
3 Freshwater Habitats
31 Standing water
3150 Natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition vegetation.
3170 Temporary Mediterranean ponds.
32 Flowing water - stretches of watercourses with natural and semi-natural dynamics (small, medium and large beds), where the water quality does not undergo significant changes
3260 Basal to montane floor watercourses with Ranunculion fluantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation.
3280 Permanent Mediterranean watercourses of Paspalo-Agrostidion with riverside tree curtains of Salix and Populus alba.
3290 Intermittent Mediterranean watercourses of Paspalo-Agrostidion.
6 Natural and semi-natural herbaceous formations
63 Sclerophyllous forests subject to grazing (montados)
6310 Montados de Quercus spp. evergreen
9 Forests
91 Forests of temperate Europe
91B0 Thermophilic freixials of Fraxinus angustifolia.
92 Mediterranean deciduous forests
92A0 Salix alba and Populus alba gallery forests.
93 Mediterranean sclerophyllous forests
9330 Forests of Quercus suber.